about me & my education

Yerin Mira (full name: Yerin Mira Läuchli) was born and raised in Winterthur, Switzerland. As the daughter of a Korean violinist and a Swiss pianist, she began her musical education at an early age with piano and cello lessons as well as the youth choir at the Winterthur Conservatory.

In summer 2021, Yerin Mira completed her Bachelor’s degree with honours at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) under Prof. Werner Güra, followed by her first Master’s degree (Master Performance) at the Haute École de Musique (HEMU) in Lausanne with Prof. Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet. From 2021 to 2023, she was a recipient of the Pierre Lardy Scholarship from the Fondation Le Rosey to support her studies in Lausanne. Since September 2023, Yerin Mira is specializing in Early Music at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (Master Early Music, Voice) with Prof. Xenia Meijer. She regularly attends masterclasses with artists such as Margreet Honig, Sandrine Piau, Véronique Gens, Carlos Mena, Flavio Ferri-Benedetti, Bettina Pahn and Benno Schachtner, among others.

Yerin Mira’s repertoire ranges from Renaissance to contemporary works, with a focus on baroque repertoire and art song. In opera, she made her debut as Euridice (Orfeo ed Euridice by Gluck, 2019) and as Galatea (Acis and Galatea by Händel, 2024) in Winterthur and Elgg, directed by Simon Berger.

She has appeared as a soloist with the Zurich Chamber Orchestra (2023), in Lied recitals with Oliver Schnyder (La Prairie Cultural Centre in Bellmund 2022 and Januarabende in Wettingen 2023), in the Fauré Requiem at the Europa Cantat Festival with the Swiss Youth Choir (Lausanne, 2022) and in the Midi Musical of the Musikkollegium Winterthur (2020). Last autumn, she was selected to perform with the ensemble Le Poème Harmonique as a finalist of the international Corneille competition in Rouen (FR).

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